Wednesday Nov 27, 2019

009 Reflection Health Podcast with Katy Cameron and Machell Hudson

With Thanksgiving upon us and Christmas fast approaching, Katy and Machell discuss the holidays, the health concerns that can arise during these times, and how to take care of yourself during them on this week’s episode of the Reflection Health Podcast.


Episode Highlights:


  • Health concerns that can arise during the holidays
  • Some ways to enjoy a healthier holiday season




“This lead is causing so much permanent brain damage in people.”

“The risk with real Christmas trees is mold.”

“We just need to be smart consumers.”

“Air purifiers can help us get around some of these toxins that we’re surrounded by.”

“Eat lots and lots of fruits and veggies, and there are so many meals that you can make out of fruits and vegetables.”

“Don’t forget to exercise!”

“Did you really just tell your dental hygienist to drink some soda?”

“Take care of ourselves, and that’s the biggest gift of all.”

“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”



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